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Your "friend" is also a Savage plagiarist, unless giving reference to this very hackneyed phrase.
Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder: Savage Solutions is a political dramatic fiction written in first person by conservative radio personality Michael Savage.
In the book, character Michael Savage named after the author states his opinion that American liberals are making political moves that undermine what he believes to be the basic tenets of American life, including marriage, the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Ten Commandments. One chapter is dedicated to his criticisms of radical Islam, which he calls "Islamofascism". In each chapter is a "Savage Spotlight of Truth", that describes how he believes liberals spread their political agenda.
I can't be sure without the context, but it can hardly be claimed as an original construct. Fake thought!
I hear it can be dangerous nowadays to de-friend rightwing whack-jobs, as a violent reaction is never off the table for traitors that disagree. It's relatively safe to disagree with liberals, which does give librules a distinked disadvantage in debate.
There's nothing wrong with thinking Except that it's lonesome work sevil regit