For what its worth. I believe that our system was setup to deal with any two sides of any argument. The result, in theory, would be what both sides can live with. Many believe that means that each side have to give up something for this to happen. I don't buy that. I don't think anybody needs to sacrifice anything, all they have to do is to keep the discussion going until both sides agree that can live with whatever. The result is, obviously, something that both sides can live with. This, in turn, means that both sides agreed there was a specific problem that needed fixing and that both sides have agreed to the solution.

The theory also is that, given that there were only two sides, that each side was involved and both sides will also reflect the will of each side. That's pretty much it. What happened was that the Republicans were the first side to decide that they wouldn't give an inch on ANYTHING! This happened when Newt Gingrich was Speaker of the House and this decision was made under something called "Contract with America". Since that time the Republicans have not been very eager to make any "deals' that involved the Democratic party. It also encouraged anybody that had a problem with their party of choice, and still wanted to vote, became part of the the "Independents".

Its also of passing interesting that, as far as I can tell, only the Democrats even have a platform (a list of what they currently stand for) The Republicans, on the other hand, no longer has a Republican Party Platform which means, basically, that nobody really knows what they are for or against.

I think I read that there are now more "independents" than members of one of our political parties. This also indicates that BOTH parties have failed. If this whole thing doesn't destroy the United States then, I believe, BOTH parties need to be replaced with people willing to talk and agree when fixing whatever. I have no idea how that might happen as neither side is ready to do the bidding of the other side and that's all there is. Right now the Republican side has, obviously, decided that isn't ever going to happen, they should be in charge, and are moving in that direction.

I have no idea how to fix this one and, as far as I can tell, nobody else has an answer either.

Last edited by jgw; 12/13/21 06:47 PM.