Originally Posted by logtroll
Originally Posted by TatumAH
What's brown and sounds like a bell?TAT
I'm confused - dung comes in more colours than brown... confused

TATTOO the rescue for a public health service announcement. It's my doody!

50 Shades of poop

Most people don’t have the scientific tools required to examine their droppings for bacterial composition at home, but that does not mean that you can’t learn anything from its appearance and the different shades of stool.

Most times poop will be brown, this color comes from bile produced in the liver to help digest food. Excrement that is solid and brown will typically indicate that there is no obvious reason for concern.

Green stool is also within the realm of normal, as this is typically attributed to something that has been consumed such as lots of green, leafy vegetables that are rich in chlorophyll pigments that can easily lend an emerald hue to feces, known as the Emerald Sh!tty.

There's nothing wrong with thinking
Except that it's lonesome work
sevil regit