true independents with no leans, they’re impossible to figure. Their whims and reasons, wants, whatever why they’ll vote the way they’ll vote is totally impossible to figure out. That is unless one can see or sense the anger building up in them
Do you imagine the "Great Resignation" is a sign of building anger among the worker bees?
They're fed up enough to quit their jobs, maybe they're fed up enough to get off the couch and vote against the party in power. The party that promised increased wages and failed to deliver, the party that promised sick leave and family leave...and failed to deliver.
How bout that inflation? Prices and corporate profits are through the roof. Social Security recipients just got a whopping 5.9% COLA, the highest in decades!
Inflation stands at 6.2%.
But they also got huge increases in Medicare Premiums, which wiped out any help there might have been for inflation. That's gonna cause some anger among retired worker-bees
Not the 10%, they will weather this storm with little more than grumbling about the price of steaks. Those in the bottom percentiles are struggling and may be angry enough to get off the couch and vote against whichever party is in power.
Ron DeSantis just gave ALL state employees an extra day off for Christmas and New Years!
A four-day weekend for each holiday! He's giving bonuses and raises to teachers and law enforcement too.
He wants to be your next president. And he's playing his cards right.