This morning I watched the Democrats of the house and the rules committee talking about charging mark meadows. for not talking. The Dems, obviously, saw an opportunity to talk on TV and made full use of that by what had to be a seriously boring effort to be on TV and little else. They just don't get it! What they did had to have made more people DISinterested. I keep on being told, by my wife, that the Dems are going to have public meeting about 6/1 which most are suggesting might actually be of interest.

But, before that happens they seem to be determined to bore the hell out of just about everybody with just what they did this morning. I stopped watching after the second or third speaker. They were all just droning, on and on, about exactly the same things.

Its kinda interesting. The TV news folks, for instance, will actually put Democrats running for office when they are actually attacking a Republican. Doesn't happen very often, but it does happen. Apparently such candidates are so few, and far between, that they are of actual interest?