I had the feeling since August that the only one’s interested in the 1-6 hearings are Democrats. Having no numbers to back that up, I googled for polls on this subject. None are to be had since August. So, call my feeling a gut feeling. This poll by The Hill piqued my interest, the latest poll taken on 2 Aug 2021
“58 percent say Jan. 6 House committee is biased: pollâ€
https://thehill.com/homenews/house/565981-58-percent-say-jan-6-commission-is-biased-poll I don’t think independents give a tinker’s darn about the hearings. They’re all involved in and worrying about inflation, rising prices and thinning to empty wallets. 1-6 is ancient history to them, it might have well taken place decades ago. It’s today that independents are worried about, focused on. But until I see some numbers, some new polls, this is nothing more than an individual observation, a gut feeling on my part. When polling firms stop polling about something, it means there’s not enough interest out there to conduct one. At least this is how I read it. I could be completely wrong, have been a few times. I will say these hearings won’t prevent the loss of the house.