I think that just about anybody who votes would be interested in the house hearing. The problem is that they are not really telling anybody anything except stuff like; "we have interviewed over 300 people" and "he is breaking the law", etc. Not particularly interesting. If they want people to be interested then they are going to have to start revealing what they are not talking about. I am not even convinced they would understand the concept as the Dems tend to like to not tell anybody much about anything.
They, obviously, need to do two things. They need to start having public interviews and questions. They also need to talk about what they are doing instead of releasing snippits of this and that so the newsies get to guess what the hell is going on.
If they don't tell anybody what's going on then its REALLY unlikely anybody will be interested. Then there is also the media. Biden has been going here and there and doing stuff. We are told bits and pieces but the coverage isn't all that interesting. Makes me wonder if whatever Biden is doing is very interesting as well. They seem to have stopped the public internal battles (a good thing). The Dems, obviously, need to have some kind of plan. Instead I am not really sure what they are doing!
Again, its good that they are investigating 1/6 It would be a lot better, however, if they worked as hard telling folks about accomplishments, stuff learned, etc. I guess its just a secret. They seem to be very good at secrets.