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Just remember, whatever legislation is passed without the filibuster can easily be repealed and replaced without the filibuster.
Maybe, maybe not. Bipartisan deals will still stand. Perhaps the days of hyperpartisan politics are nearing an end. Even a few Republicans are wanting to do more these days than owning the Libs.
No they aren't.
I've lost some of my love for Mister Maher however the other week he painted a picture based on a lot of the current reality. And it scared the crap out of me.
"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD deepfreezefilms.com
Just another Jewish comedian. They used to control 90% of the comedy in the world...what happened...? They stopped being funny and started being political jokes.
Democrats seem to believe that all Republicans are horrible people who hate America and want it destroyed.
Republicans think Democrats are all horrible people who hate America and want to see it destroyed.
As an independent, I suggest that both are wrong. But if both continue with this hatred and mistrust of each other they may yet TOGETHER destroy America.
It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.
Gerrymandering war, still even. Democratic controlled Oregon and Nevada along with Republican controlled North Carolina are the three states where gerrymandering was obscene. Ohio became the latest state to finish redistricting bringing the total to 21 states, counting the 6 states with one representative. 126 districts out of the 435 are complete if lawsuits don’t upset the apple cart. There are two lawsuits pending against North Carolina which probably will result in overturning that’s states redistricting map. Virginia and Washington couldn’t come up with new maps, so their respective state supreme courts will draw them. Wisconsin will join those two shortly in having their state supreme court draw the new district maps.
Out of the 126 newly drawn districts, there are 11 competitive, switchable districts. Currently held by 8 Democrats and 3 Republicans.
It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.
Gerrymandering war, it’s the Democrats ahead by 4 thanks to their gerrymandering in Illinois. Oregon and Nevada. North Carolina and Ohio were gerrymandered for the GOP. Washington, Virginia will have their state Supreme Court draw their districts as both failed to meet state required deadlines. Wisconsin will join those two shortly in having Wisconsin’s supreme court draw theirs. 2 lawsuits have been filed against North Carolina’s redistricting, more lawsuits are expected in Illinois and probably Ohio. These are the most obscene gerrymandered states.
Illinois, Massachusetts and Oklahoma have become the latest states to finish redistricting bringing the total to 24 states, counting the 6 states with one representative. 157 districts out of the 435 are completed.
Out of the 157 newly drawn districts, there are 12 competitive, switchable districts. Currently held by 9 Democrats and 3 Republicans.
It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.
Gerrymandering wars, Democrats still ahead by 4 with the gerrymandering of Oregon, Nevada and Illinois. The GOP gerrymandered North Carolina which has two lawsuits pending. The DOJ sued Texas. Maryland has become the latest state to complete the redistricting process. 25 states have now completed their redistricting. 165 districts have been redrawn, out of those 165, 17 are competitive or switchable. The democrats hold 13 of these seats vs. 4 for the GOP. 270 districts have yet to be redrawn which includes the big states of California, New York and Florida.
A word on Texas, Texas didn’t gerrymander for the Republicans to gain seats. They did gerrymander to place incumbents of both parties in safer districts. Hence the Democrats voted for Texas’s redrawn map. If the DOJ suit is successful, based on not having enough majority minority districts, this would give the Republicans a chance to gerrymander to gain Republican seats via placing more democratic voting blacks and Hispanics into their own majority minority districts. Leaving more Republican voting whites for all the other districts.
Illinois is facing the same kind of lawsuit. Blacks in the East St. Louis area didn’t like their old hugely majority black district carved up. The new map took portions of their old district and placed them into 2 competitive districts which made those 2 competitive districts into safe democratic districts. Leaving the old East St. Louis district much less black, but still black enough to maintain it voting Democratic. What happens with the lawsuits, time will tell?
It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.
Interesting article on retirements from the House. Some retirements are due to gerrymandering their districts, others to normal retirements and still others seek to run for higher office.
DEC. 16, 2021, AT 6:00 AM
What A Flurry Of Democratic Departures Means For The 2022 House Race?
Who retires for whatever reason and where will certainly have a direct effect on the outcome of the House elections in the up coming midterms.
It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.
In the gerrymandering war, it’s the Democrats ahead by 5 now that New Mexico has joined Illinois. Oregon and Nevada in gerrymandering districts that favor the Democrats. North Carolina and Ohio were gerrymandered for the GOP. Common Cause has filed a lawsuit against North Carolina's gerrymandering.
New Mexico became the 26th state to complete its redistricting which includes the 6 states with one lone Representative. 168 districts out of the 435 are completed leaving 267 to go. Three big states, California, New York and Florida have yet to redraw their districts. Once those three states complete their redistricting, then we’ll have a better idea of how the house will turnout in the upcoming midterms.
Out of the 168 newly drawn districts, there are 17 competitive, switchable districts. Currently held by 13 Democrats and 4 Republicans.
It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.
In the gerrymandering war, it’s the Democrats ahead by 5 now that New Mexico has joined Illinois. Oregon and Nevada in gerrymandering districts that favor the Democrats.
Curious about the details of NM's gerrymandering. Not being a scholar on the subject, my impression was that NM01 and NM03 were pretty solidly blue (not in need of gerrymandering), while NM02 generally goes red. Does the redistricting affect NM02?
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete. R. Buckminster Fuller
In the gerrymandering war, it’s the Democrats ahead by 5 now that New Mexico has joined Illinois. Oregon and Nevada in gerrymandering districts that favor the Democrats.
Curious about the details of NM's gerrymandering. Not being a scholar on the subject, my impression was that NM01 and NM03 were pretty solidly blue (not in need of gerrymandering), while NM02 generally goes red. Does the redistricting affect NM02?
Yes, NM 2 tremendously. I don’t know if you understand PVI. But the new districts are NM 1 PVI D +11, NM 2 D +4, NM 3 D+5. Old map was NM 1 D +18, NM 2 R +14, NM 3 D +14. Under the old map, there were 2 safe Democratic districts, 1 safe Republican district. What they did was extend NM 1st Albuquerque district way south into the 2nd district. Reducing NM 1 down 7 in the PVI from D +18 to a D +11. They also moved NM 3 which was at the top of NM further south along the Texas Border, almost to Mexico reducing NM 3 to a D+5 from a D+14. The movement of lines changed NM 2 from an R +14 to a D +5. In short, the new map looks nothing like the old map.
By doing so NM was able to remove a safe Republican district, change it into a likely Democratic one. These movements of boundaries also made NM 3 much more competitive than what it was. But still in a lean to likely Democratic. Democrats in NM hope these changes of boundary lines will result in a 3-0 Democratic congressional delegation instead of the present 2-1 Democratic. The people still must vote, it may backfire, or it may go as planned. We’ll have to wait until the midterms are over.
Hence, NM gerrymandered or turned a Republican safe district into a likely Democratic one. NM isn’t anything close to what the Democrats did in Illinois and in Oregon or what the GOP did in North Carolina. NM has only 3 representatives. Even so, the Democrats made the most of their 3.
NM eliminating the safe Republican district, NM 2 is why in the gerrymandering war, Democrats went from a +4 to a +5. So far, the democrats are winning the gerrymandering battle, but we still have 24 states to go which includes California, New York, Florida. The biggest surprise was Texas which didn’t eliminate any incumbent seats. If one wants to call drawing a map which placed incumbents of both parties into safer districts, gerrymandering, one is free to do so. But Texas didn’t try to get more Republican seats, just protect incumbents of both parties. That wasn’t expected and it was kind of a shock for those of us who follow these things.
Last edited by perotista; 12/19/2103:05 AM.
It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.