Polls are only relative indicators. For instance "P" likes to point out that about equal numbers of Republicans and Democrats think the other party is destroying the country.

The polls never drill down to the substance of the questions. Republicans believe communism is taking over etc etc and therefore destroying America. The reality is, supposing it is true and valid communism is actually in play, changing economic structures do not in fact destroy anything but the perception Republicans have of what they believe America should look like. For Democrats they point out the obvious political realities of an attempted coup, changing voting laws to potentially disenfranchise voters, in a like manner that Jim Crow voting laws did, which are real and demonstrably do change the very fabric of Democracy. It is not some perception of change but a real change.

In an extended manner, most believed when people typed about an attempted coup in America, that it was nothing more than wacky liberal anti-Trump extremists smoking the wacky tobac typing. Gee ... turned out to be true and valid warning. In like manner when people, including me, warned of potential for rogue military units siding with Trump in attempt to stay in power, it was found at the time military leaders in the Pentagon prepared for that possibility. Now it appears former generals are warning of that same possibility again in the 2022, and 2024 elections.

Is this a vivid dream, or is Democracy unraveling?

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
America can survive bad policy, but not destruction of our Democratic institutions