What I do, utilizing polls is to point out what America as a whole is thinking, feeling or what are their perspectives on things are. Not what just the Democratic party's perspectives are or just the Republican Party's. Yes, independents are disgusted with both major parties, roughly equally disgusted. If they weren’t, they wouldn’t be independents. They’d join or belong to one major party or the other. Being independents, they’re not political junkies and hardly pay any attention to the nitty gritty of the political world until an election nears. Quite a lot of independents think the two major parties ought to work together to get things done. When they continue to see the two parties at loggerheads almost all the time, their conclusion is what good are they.

Independents are tired of this butting of heads, even folks who once were affiliated with the two major parties have left them because of this. Hence, independents have grown from 30% of the electorate to 40% plus since 2006. Which coincides with our entry into today’s modern political era of polarization, the great divide and the super, mega, ultra-high partisanship.

Another reason given is the two major parties have left the mainstream of politics, left the American Joe behind while one party drifts further right, the other left. Middle America has been left behind. I’m sure those partisans of either major party can’t see or fathom how these folks look at politics or how they feel about what’s happening or how they look at politics in general. Each side thinks these folks who has been turned off political parties should view the political world through the glasses the partisans of both parties are looking through.

Independents are the unwanted of the political world, the outcasts, the deserters from both major parties. They’re the ones who want an American agenda, not a Democratic nor a Republican agenda. I’d say right now, most independents want inflation tackled and solved. They don’t care about the 1-6 hearings or the GOP trying to make Trump president again. They care about their thinning wallet, about being able to afford gas, housing, food, healthcare, presents for Christmas for the kids and more. All have higher priorities than the making of Trump or the 1-6 hearings. But neither party recognizes this. Both are too busy trying to please their shrinking base.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.