I used to date an artist who, at a fundraiser, was told by an arts supporter that she didn’t have any luxuries. He ran through the list you had, Ken, and as he was a bit testy about I’m sure she never forgot (I certainly didn’t; this was over. 30 years ago.)

There is an exercise I tried 10-15 years ago (and I’ve never felt poor since.)

Assume there has been a natural disaster of massive proportions. Your house/apartment is the only place standing, and there is a cold and heavy rain.. How many people can you shelter? Not necessarily comfortably, but safely. All your furniture will be tossed into the street except mattresses.

First line folks up head to tail around the walls, then fill in towards the middle of the room. Fill in the kitchen, leaving a a path to the fridge. If you have multiple bathrooms you can fit at least two kids in the bathtub.

I think I got 27 in my old apartment, and 60-something in my house. Made me realize how privileged I am.

Oh, yes, count the garage.

A 45’s quicker than 409
Betty’s cleaning’ house for the very last time
Betty’s bein’ bad