I would remind all that the American electorate is not the brightest group on earth, or even the United States. Over 30%, for instance, actually believe the Trump lies and, buried in that group are also flat out believers in just about any conspiracy that raises its head as well. That just the beginning. On the left they tend not to vote in any election but one that is presidential. They have to be dunned constantly so they will even bother to vote. That is, for instance, what happened in the last election at the cost of something like 30 seats in the house. They do not really give a damn, I think. The remaining Republican voters are worshippers of Trump and actually believe he is a great businessman in spite of the fact that everything he touches turns to sh*t. Daddy gave him about 1/2 a billion dollars which engendered, by Trump no less than 6 bankruptcies whilst he got rid of most of that. That's just for starters.
Its actually pretty interesting. The TV talking heads are all concerned about our 'democracy'. The voters, however, don't seem to get it or give a damn. They are more concerned about important things. They are terribly concerned when they have to buy a loaf of bread for, maybe, 5 cents more, whilst the Republicans are flat out working to nullify all coming votes because they just don't give a damn.
As far as I can tell those that vote left just don't seem to give a damn either.
I remember the good old days when you wrote to your elected and they replied to the point. Now, if you write to them, you get a request for money and little or nothing insofar as what you wrote or complained about. I suspect this has to do with who, exactly, is paying the bills and, for the most part that would be the monied class. I just went to
https://www.opensecrets.org/ to see who is supporting who and how much. That's always interesting. This time, however, I went there and the first thing I saw was a request for money. Oh well.....................
We live, I fear, in dangerous times.