Most of the electorate don’t follow the daily grind of politics. I would wager most don’t pay much if any attention until an election nears. Most of the American people aren’t political junkies like those of us on this site. If they were, C-Span would be the nation’s number one rated network. For most of us, politics takes a back seat to almost everything else going on around us. This is especially true for independents. No reason for them to follow politics closely, they have no stake in the game as they’re not Republicans nor are they Democrats. Republicans and Democrats own the horses, the casual fan just drops by once in a while to watch the race and perhaps make a bet by voting. They’re the casual fans of politics. Kind of like the casual fan of the NFL, no interest until the Super Bowl. Then they become fans for one day, after the game is played, they go back into their non-interested mode until next year’s Super Bowl. Or one can say the next election.

For pdx rick, that 42% fair, 58% biased includes all Americans, the right, the left, the in-betweeners, republicans, democrats, independents. The young and the old, all races, all adults, all educational levels, rural, city, the whole gamut. Not just right wingers.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.