It isn’t the BBB, most independents don’t care about it. What they do care about is rising prices, inflation. They can’t figure out the Democrats obsession with the BBB and with Trump, while seemingly ignoring rising prices.
So the electorate is stupid. I keep saying it and you keep reporting that is what the polling concludes. I guess they think Pres Biden can fix the prices and everything would be good, or d you reckon any of them have a clue how economies work? What could Trump do? Turns out it wouldn't matter what he could do, because they would believe him if he told them the numbers were but a figments of their imagination ... there is no inflation .... and glory be, they would sing his praises.
At this point as the madman from the mountains, I am hoping for the return of the King. I will sit idly by while he fraks the country into a fascist state, while you say the polls report he is doing a great job.
The listening to the irresistible Siren's Song while adrift in the Sea of Madness