LOL, Okay. Yes, most Americans understand little how the economy works regardless of party or no party. Now it all boils down to the fact that presidents take credit for a good economy, hence they get blamed for when the economy turns sour. There is very little a president or government can do when it comes to the economy. If there was, it stands to reason that we’d have all ups and no downs.
Trump had basically a good economy for his four years and he received high marks for his handling of the economy. Not that he did a darn thing or handled anything. Here it is.’s Biden’s so far. media and polls reinforce to one and all that presidents are responsible for how the economy is behaving to go along with presidents taking credit along with the media and people blaming the sitting president when the economy goes south.
Of course, the out of power party always piles it on to whomever is president at the time. Reagan is a prime example. The people elected Reagan to fix the economy, the misery index, but when it wasn’t fixed 2 years into his presidency, 1982, Reagan approval rating dropped to 35%, the GOP lost 26 house seats. Come 1984 the economy was in an upswing, Reagan’s approval rating shot up to 62%, Ronnie stomped Mondale 59-40%, the GOP regained 16 of those lost house seats. Even 26% of Democrats voted for Reagan, an unheard-of high percentage of the opposing party voting for a presidential candidate of the other party. I don’t think that ever happened prior or after Ronnie.
Are they stupid? No. You have a lot of very bright people in that group. Very smart people in their field of endeavor. The intricacies of politics don’t interest them, other things do. You must remember who you’re talking about. They aren’t political junkies, they don’t pay much if any attention to politics, the daily grind. Few people do. Not knowing something doesn’t make you stupid. It just makes you uninformed when it comes to a particular subject.
When it comes to elections, James Carville, Bill Clinton's political advisor said it all, "It's the economy, stupid."