Originally Posted by Ken Condon
So I going reflek….

Although they never faced one “local guy” who was missing half his teeth and said “what chu lookin at haole? Nothing, nothing.,,Brah..,
acting wise? No I was just trying to go on my way. No waz lookin’ fo pain brah?

So yes.. I also learned how to fight. But mostly I could escape tough situations through diplomacy.

So also yes…I look at these phuggin haoles and or Trumpsters. I’m thinking they need a couple of Samoans or Tongans (throw in a few Hawaiian’s for good measure) to bang their heads into coconut trees and knock some sense into them.

"Eh haole, you make stinkeye? You like beef?"
Yup, I know exactly what you're talking about!
No hu-hu, brah.

"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD