I think I’m beginning to understand your reference or frame of mind
Actually I don't think you are, otherwise you would not have gone to the effort to type about partisan stupidity. You should notice the use of the word "electorate". It is NOT partisan specific.
So if voters are stupid, why do we continue to try to get more and more of them to vote?
Really???? Did you ask a rhetorical question for which the answer is obvious?
Stupid people are easy to manipulate. The real question for which the answer is not so obvious, but for which is the subtext of your obvious question is, why do political parties want power?
But who’s fault is that? ... Quite a lot of people vote the condition of their wallet. ... Historically, voters have listed the economy as their number one issue in every presidential election since 1992.
This only "proves" my point.
The current economy is the result of capitalistic economic forces beyond the control of any mere mortal holding public office. Now this is strange as Republicans claim they are for capitalism and Pres Biden is for communism, so how can they be blaming Pres Biden for the results of those capitalistic forces? And yet somehow, the Republican base believes that contradictory statement is an accurate allegation. Would you say they are being "smart" or "intelligent"?
Ignorance is a choice. If one chooses ignorance, then that person is stupid.