I am, obviously, not very interested in the numbers. I take looks at them, etc. but, again obviously, you do a lot more than that. I do, however, find the terms interesting. The two main ones seem to be Liberal and Conservative. The problem with those two is that there are gradations in each which don't seem to have names. The third, "Moderate" seems to be a place one can be without declaring to be a Liberal or a Conservative.

Basically, I'm not too sure what an individual means when they say they are Liberal or Conservative. I kinda favor Moderate as its easy to move around a bit more. I have also noticed that if somebody is claiming to be a LIberal or a Conservative they are REALLY Liberal or Conservative. Even then its not always easy to know what they are actually claiming. I remember the good old days when one could pretty much tell what they meant - no longer.

I can only assume it will all shake out. These days, for instance, many Conservatives are also Trumpies which also means that their claim to Conservatism is a bit off as Trump can't actually be called a 'real' conservative. Trump himself is also kinda interesting in this as he was a dues paying Democrat forever, until he decided that he was a Republican. That switch has always been of interest for me.