I was at my brother’s today and the Fox business channel was on (all those numbers in the crawl are relevant to him somehow).

Headlines were all anti-Biden except for one, and that one I didn’t understand: it said that wealthy people are moving to low-tax states.

But hasn’t that been going on forever? Buy a place in a low-tax state, do the minimum required to qualify as a state residence, and then go back home to the Hampton or Carmel or, I dunno, Paris?

It just doesn’t seem like a new idea to me…

(PS: Rick, before you go off on conservatives, please understand that is my brother, much loved, and a good man, and if you label him with your anti-conservative rant I’ll hypothetically break your knuckles.)

A 45’s quicker than 409
Betty’s cleaning’ house for the very last time
Betty’s bein’ bad