Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
Considering that in many cases "home schooling" is all about the kids NOT learning something that one or more parents does not want them to learn, I doubt those parents are particularly busy teaching. It's usually parents who want to make sure their kids share their character and knowledge defects.
When I was with my partner of 10 years, we purchased a home in a newly built neighborhood and our next door neighbors were a mom and dad with six kids. They were religious people. All of the kids were homeschooled except for the youngerst child, he was special needs and went to school. A short bus would pick him up. The family owned a 15-passenger black van that my partner and I labeled "The Church Bus."

The family seemed normal and emotionally well adjusted at first. But as the years went on, frequent visits by the police happened, the kids all had a turn, or several turns, at running away from home. The family literally became the "homeschool" stereotype that we hear so often about.


Contrarian, extraordinaire