Originally Posted by perotista
Simply put most Americans think Biden isn’t doing the job he was elected to do, that the country is headed in the wrong direction and the Democratic controlled congress along with Biden have the wrong priorities.

The Democratic what?
Reality check, sir:

The Democrats have 48 senators, two fake Democrats who are both receiving copious funding from Republican megadonors, and fifty other Republican senators who are filibustering everything down to spare paperclips.
Not saying it's the Republican Party's fault...it's not.
But we do not HAVE a "Democratic controlled Congress"...we have a Democratic controlled House and that is all, and with the world record filibuster, we have been unable to DO much of anything.
What priorities?
The priorities are being determined by the folks who love the filibuster crutch, so if anyone thinks priorities are out of whack, check out the priorities of the people leaning on that crutch, because it is THEIR priorities getting the traction.

Democratic senators are immobilized, and have been all along, and nothing's going to change unless or until we get ENOUGH of them seated to overcome the crutch.

The voters didn't want to bother seating a real Democratic majority, thus they got what they deserved.
And now they're complaining about it? They should have thought about that when they seated a bunch of people who only know that one cheap parlor trick.

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