Who is trying to destroy America is based on what side you are wrong - right or wrong. That's just the way it is. The Republican side believe that the Democratic side is anti-American and are going to destroy the country and that works for the other side as well. I am on the Democratic side so, its the Republicans who are trying to destroy the country. If I were on the Republican side then I would thing that the Democrats. This has little to do with truth, right or wrong.
The fact, however, is that it going to be the middle that makes the choice between the two sides and, in theory, they base their decision on facts. That is also, unfortunately, flat out wrong. Even the middle have some that take one side or the other based, I suspect, on which side you believe is right. So, even in the middle truth, right and wrong have become politicized.
Its really pretty interesting. It used to be, when somebody is lying or mis-informed the answer was to have the ability to know what was going on was to refer to existing facts. Now, however, the Republican side seems to have been able to change facts themselves for them that believe them. This stuff is actually kinda religious wherein facts no longer count as there are 'higher' authorities. They seem to have been able to move facts into the spiritual realm by simply changing the word 'spiritual' to 'factual'. In other words I think I am right and they think they are right. The only real difference is that my side is willing to argue facts and the other side don't do that because they already know the facts and that's that!
We are living in very strange times! (again, my thought and certainly not theirs)