Originally Posted by Ken Condon
74°? Are you kidding me? You need to turn that thermostat down to about 68 and if you are still cold put on a sweater or some sort of hoodie fer chrissake!

Either that or take up ice fishing on Green Lake. Back when I was a child (there you go again) with the hyperbole..,living in Green Lake it froze half over. I am sure now it never gets a smidgen of ice. But I would not know is I have not lived in Seattle for 20+ years.

Ya sure..ya betcha!! Spud Fish and Chips! Never mind...,,Ivar’s.,,,Keep clam…
My electric bill was $68.10 for the January dated invoice, but only $43.20 for the February dated invoice.

The thing is, I was keeping the heat off in December and turning it on when I got home. In January I thought I'd let the house stay at a comstant temp all day - even if I am not home.

Turns out keeping the heat at constant temp is more cost effective than wide temp extreme. Seems counter intuitive to being cost effective by keeping the heat on all day when not at home. Hmm

Contrarian, extraordinaire