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Give everyone five years to move to where they want to enjoy their liberties and then start living separately as two.
If you choose to live in a conservative state, under conservative fascist authoritism, with no tax base to support schools, libraries, infrastructure - due to family commitments or love of beauty of the area - that is your choice.
That’s not what your post sounds like. “Give everybody five years to move where the6 want.†A deadline to move means whatever authority exists i# telling you where to live.
I’m not interested in th3 society you want to build.
Julia A 45’s quicker than 409 Betty’s cleaning’ house for the very last time Betty’s bein’ bad
Do you actually think that a conservative authoritarian state will let you out? Does Russia or China or Iran let you move about freely? Of course a liberal country would let you in with no question.
I suggested five years in an Agreement to let people think about their decision and have the legal authority to move. That's all.
...and I am not interested in living in a conservative run society. I linked to two articles where Conservatives want to kill me for being Liberal. We all saw what conservatives consider good governance under Trump for four years. No thank you. The fact that "good" or "decent" conservatives said/did nothing during Trump's tenure simply says they agree with him. I'm not blinded from what conservatives want the US to be and if I can get out before they take over, then I will do that. Because the next time they are in charge...it's over for America. THAT is what 01/06 was about.
So are you looking for a Civil War Rick and a division of our so-called United States? Forces seem to be taking us in that direction, my question is who are they and are they internal or external forces? I imagine they are combination of both but I am also curious about the motivations, the desired outcome if there is some sort of grand scheme behind all of this and who or what is behind all of this.
Or is it just random chit?
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.
So are you looking for a Civil War Rick and a division of our so-called United States?
What's the point of a civil war? Divorce through talks has always been my way out.
Who's behind the idea? They can't stand us, and we can't stand them. I'm tried of not having nice things in life because of Conservatives: Universal healthcare, education, nice infastructre, women's right to choose what to do with HER body, a shortened pandemic, non-toxic environments, drinkable water.
I imagine they are combination of both but I am also curious about the motivations, the desired outcome if there is some sort of grand scheme behind all of this and who or what is behind all of this.
Or is it just random chit?
My thinking is that this is more of a human mass delusion and less of a masterminded plan of any sort arising from intention.
For all of our narcissistic belief that we are the pinnacle of creation, with superior brains and unlimited capacity for growth and higher achievement, there seems to be a lack of consciousness regarding how to sensibly use our great powers. So we misuse them.
At least one philosophy, or psychological teaching (they are really the same thing, aren’t they?) says that humans are ‘stimulus/response’ machines that imagine they are in control of their lives, but are actually in a state of ‘waking sleep’ and reacting mindlessly to events. We endlessly want things - stuff, recognition, power - but are never satisfied. A well-known quote, Buddhist, I think, contrarily says, “If you would make a person happy, add not to their possessions but take from their desires.â€
We are not all immersed in the waking sleep to the same degree, and none of us is consistently in it to the same degree all of the time. The result is variations on a theme of chaos. It’s not a new thing…
What to do about it? (Logtroll chuckles unconfidently). Try to be more awake?
In a word: Phukkifino….
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete. R. Buckminster Fuller
I’m not sure whether this is what I think, or what I know, but it seems to me that the current dang er to this country is the right wing nuts – a minority that would/will fall apart as soon as the orange man is thoroughly off the stage.
And the additional danger, perhaps greater, arises from those of us who don’t see the danger and/or are going to ignore it. Yes, there are a lot of MAGA types but most of them are willing to buy a red hat and wear it to the flea market or the football game, I think. Or hope.
But it’s going to take active participation on the part of the rest of us to the traitors in the state legislatures and Congress to change sides, and we haven’t done enough of that.
Last edited by Mellowicious; 02/08/2212:14 AM. Reason: Typos
Julia A 45’s quicker than 409 Betty’s cleaning’ house for the very last time Betty’s bein’ bad