There are actually other times lying can be a crime: When the lie is the basis of fraud, slander, sending SWAT to an enemies house, when talking to police or other law enforcement, when talking to the IRS or state tax collectors, etc. Government is pretty well protected if individuals or corporations lie to them. Individuals get much less protection, and have to prove injury in court.

One more instance when lying can be a crime: Glenn Kirschner, retired federal prosecutor, reported on YouTube that every Republican who has signed on to the Party's claim that the January 6th insurrection was "legitimate political discourse" has given insurrectionists "aid or comfort", and quoted the exact federal statute they violated: 18 US Code 2383 specifies fines, prison up to 10 years, and forbids them from holding elected office ever unless congress lifts the restriction by supermajority. This restriction can't be commuted or pardoned by a President, because the 14th Amendment specifically gives that power to congress.

So it will be interesting to see what the Justice Department does with this. Most Republicans could actually be forbidden from holding office, if they supported this lie. They chose this. They didn't have to, and this can be held over their heads for the rest of their lives.

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