The Repubicans (I refuse to refer to them as 'conservative' as they really are something else entirely). Anyway, Republicans do not refer to facts but to labels. For instance, Republicans feel that Dems are destroying America because they are ALL Socialists! That's the sin! The problem is that they are wrong. The Dems are not socialists. The social parts of the nation are really things like Firemen, and Police, by definition. Tax dollars pay for their support. Its also true of a number of other things, like schooling to the 12th grade, libraries, etc. When it comes to socialism I have yet heard many Dems screaming to high heaven to socialize our health care (arguably one of the worst in the world). If covid has taught anything its that our healthcare is simply not up to the task of dealing with our entire population and, again apparently, everybody really doesn't see it that way. There isn't a lot that can be said about Socialism. The simple fact is that it just doesn't work. I know, people refer to some European countries as being Socialist. The problem with that is that there are few that feel that way themselves. Those happy successful countries of northern Europe, for instance, are also places with a lot of millionaires which is something considered anathema buy American socialists.

Anyway, I think my argument boils down to there are two sides and the Republican side is a very strange zoo which is easily identified but not easily explained. They, for instance, hate all media and news except for their own. There is Fox, for instance. Then there is One America and Newsmax too. When I googled "conservative Television networks" I got 120+ million returns so there's a lot of stuff out there in this regard. AND is very different from the TV I watch which is the networks like abc, cbs, etc. as well as msnbc and cnn. I don't get any of my news from social media. I do know, however, that those that are considered 'conservative' they also also consider many conspiracies as being absolutely true. The part of the whole thing is that there are a pile of professional politicians that will swear that they believe stuff which they really don't believe at all. The Trump claim to winning is one of those things. The fact is that Trump has a base which has the capacity to control primaries but not the whole election (hopefully). This means that a politician can be 'primaried' which means voted out by not being able to get on the ballot. There is, however, growing belief that base may be losing members as time passes. If that happens Trump will have lost his hold on the Republican party and what happens after that will certainly be of interest. Especially when their voters start to understand that the ones they vote for have been lying to them for a very long time.

Oh, I am not even sure that Republicans actually have any real beliefs. They have, pretty much, eschewed any and all beliefs. They don't have any planks because they don't have any beliefs. They only have something called a belief which is actually what Trump has demanded that they say whether they believe or not. This leaves the nation with a political party based on liars. Some day, hopefully, them that support such are going to figure that one out and it may not be a happy place. One of the things they say is that they are in debt to Trump for all the wonderful things he has done for them. Anybody have any idea what those things might be?