Originally Posted by perotista
On political debate sites, I don’t take anything personal or get offended by anything said. Personal opinions are just that, personal opinions. I don’t think you said anything that would offend any military types.

I think the problem with all these wars, at least since WWII, congress hasn’t done it job. The Constitution states congress will declare war. It hasn’t done so since 4 Jun 1942. Here’s the list of declared wars.


Since then wars have been by resolution of congress. Not a declaration which are two different things in my book. A resolution is a formal expression of opinion. A declaration is a formal or explicit statement. Not an expression of an opinion. Nit picking, maybe so. Now we’ve have had two wars based on the UN resolutions without any action by congress, no resolution or declaration, Korea and Libya.

I ask why not a declaration of war against North Vietnam, Iraq, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Korea, Libya and many more? I think it’s because congress declaring war puts the whole nation on a war footing with all that implies ala like WWII with its rationing, more government control and much more. Presidents since WWII have done their darndest to keep the civilian portion here in the states out of any type of war footing. Like no war was happening letting them live normal, peaceful lives. Trying to keep the war or wars from affecting them one bit. So the civilians will live, act and perhaps believe we’re at peace when we’re not.

I hope this makes sense. Sometimes I have a hard time expressing exactly what I mean.

Formal declarations of war also carry ironclad responsibilities.
If you squeeze a formal surrender by the other nation, you're responsible for a lot more than a few contractors getting no-bid contracts to
do shoddy construction work in the affected nation. You're responsible for a "Marshall Plan", you're responsible for the well being and welfare of the vanquished nation. You have to have an actual plan for victory, and a plan to carry out your post-victory responsibilities.
And you won't have the luxury of hiding behind corporate secrecy.
Formal declarations of war mean you cannot just make a conflict open ended, you must commit to hard goals and hard deadlines.
Formal war declarations aren't as fun and lucrative as "police actions" and "conflicts".
You made perfect sense.

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