Originally Posted by Greger
My money is on war.

Not nuclear war, but war.

The kind where soldiers travel across the world to kill other soldiers and global economies come tumbling down.

Real global politics has been taking place while the USA is engaged in partisan squabbling.

Real military spending has been taking place while the US spends all its money on corporate contractors and appears incapable of fighting a war.

My guess is that Putin is about to show America what a real fascist looks like.

Our wars have only been about a jobs program or for oil for the last seventy some odd years.
Anyone who thinks our adventures in theaters of war were about anything else is only fooling themselves, because as you already know, they weren't even actual wars.
No formal declaration of war by Congress means it's something other than a war.
And that's because formal declarations of war make things messy for "certain industries" that depend upon a steady revenue stream free of commensurate responsibilities.
Formal declarations of war also make lawmakers much more responsible for when victory turns to stalemate or defeat.

War is good business and we've proved that adage for more than a generation.
Putin is not engaging in endless war for business, this is costing him directly...there's no profit motive, there is only the gamble and the risk. His profit comes from the permanent taking of territory. Our own industries are the ones indirectly profiting from his warmaking more than he is unless his gamble pays off.
Russian drones shot down over Ukraine were full of Western parts. (WaPo)
His oligarch friends don't get their big payday unless he does.
He HAS to have a solid and clear plan for decisive and absolute victory. We do not...as proven by the fact that we stretched out TWO wars for twenty years with NO actual end game.
We just finally went home when we wore out our welcome in the host countries.
But when we DID finally go home, a lot of people had bursting pockets from all the money they made.
The last polka that Russia played was in Afghanistan and when they went home in defeat it ultimately cost them their country.

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