Originally Posted by Greger
It looks as though the sanctions are rippling through an already shaky Russian economy.

Do you reckon Vlad Putin has bit off more than he can chew...?

A lot of what was said up top hasn't aged well, particularly the praise for Putin's "well measured" steaming pile of straw & revisionist crap.
Ukraine is not part of Russia, and was only part of the USSR because they welded everything shut with the Iron Curtain.
Irregardless, I guarantee you Ukrainians don't feel like Russians now.

When the USSR collapsed the Ruble went to nearly 3000 to the dollar, in the last couple of days it went from 80/per dollar to
(right now Mon Feb 28 2022 03:48 PM) 106/per dollar.
Maybe when it sinks to something like five or six hundred to the dollar it might spur action by the people, because at that point
even Putin's praetorian guards won't have much fight in them anymore.

Yes, Putin has bitten off more than he can chew. He's moments away from being at war with 30 countries instead of one,
and if he tries following up on his nuke bluffs we may see another fifty or a hundred countries offering to apply to NATO.
Hell, NATO might have to change its name to accommodate a bunch that big...like maybe "The World Alliance Against Putin". (TWAAP)

I dunno, do you think Putin can successfully vanquish a hundred countries?
With pretty much the whole world against Putin, how is he going to get himself out of the mess he's created?
Ukraine's ambassador to the UN had a helpful suggestion this morning.


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