China is with Russia. India abstained from the UNSC vote. That’s a lot of people.

I don’t like one country invading another country any more than I assume you don’t Jeff. Though to be honest I don’t really know if your that opposed when the US does it but this is what it looks like from the other side.

You were a pretty strong Russiagater, IIRC, so I doubt there will be much context or history coming from your camp. More willing propaganda echoing I’m guessing.

Putin’s not a nice guy. Neither are our ruling classes. Can’t help but wonder what we would do having Russian ‘advisors’ and military bases on our borders. Oh wait, Cuba….

Anyhow, like it, hate it, it’s going down and we’re pumping as many arms into the situation making a dangerous situation even more dangerous. I think we should finally start taking Putin at his word and start acting smart. Doubtful from what I can see coming from the state and it’s propaganda organs and now you.

Here’s a wild interview from an expat with Max Blumrnthal. Interesting to hear from someone walking the walk. Not saying I agree with everything he’s saying but I believe he’s serious about his truth. Good to hear from all sides sorta thing….