Originally Posted by Greger
So okay, you're obviously in love with Vlad and all his fascist friends, thanks for making that clear, oh and...good luck to your boy over there, I guess he hopes
those Jewish Ukrainian nazis don't find him before we do.

That's just stupid, Jeff. I don't think the most leftist member of this forum is exactly in love with Putin.

Bur neither is he required to love the Democratic Party. Let's try to stick to the discussion and avoid personal attacks.

That's a personal attack but labeling me as a "pretty strong Russia-gater" isn't?
And I would like to offer the idea that just saying you're left is meaningless, it's not a one dimensional monolith, and there are plenty on the Left who
are fond of an accelerationist value system that leaves us with zero direction at all...other than "taking Putin at his word", which we apparently DID between 2016 and 2020 already.

If you believe Tex Bentley is a hero and Max Blumenthal knows what's best for America, then you're cheering for Putin, simple as that.
Look, the above interview is with a guy who calls himself a communist while embedded with a bunch of state fascists.
Communism promotes the idea of a classless society and when Putin surrounds himself with a bunch of billionaire oil oligarchs and mobsters, that's pretty much the
polar opposite ergo Russia isn't communist, and people who call themselves communists but strap on a rifle and embed themselves with the Russian Army and align with Putin are just morons who never knew what communism was and don't know that they're fascists now.

If personal attacks consists of me stating my opinion that someone is demonstrating an alliance with Putin, then I guess I'll have to just be the bad guy.
I never said anyone has to love the Democratic Party either, but thank you.

Is there anything that I said in my response that isn't true?
If anything it's a textbook example of The Horseshoe Theory in action.
I'm just not so far left that I've hooked all the way around and circled back through the Far Right, that's all.

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