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I'm not sure what your even talking about anymore Jeff.
Are you saying the invasion of Ukraine has something to do with antisemitism and the 'Elders of Zion' with an assist from Qanon? Dude....
Yeah, its weird about a lot of the images getting posted up on social media being attributed to ongoing events in the Ukraine are not from the Ukraine.. I think it was Wired or Gizmodo or something like them that did a dive on how it's sparked a lot of people passing off images. A weird side to humanity I suppose. Metadata was telling on many of them. It was picked up and run in some cases by our infotainment programs and run. Sadly, what passes for news these days... I think Jimmy Dore did a bit on this recently. Again, I really don't care if your re-post was real or not. It was an odd line of argument, to me.
No, not all images are faked obviously. Conversely, some were quite real and poorly vetted like the armed Ukranian grandma PR stunt of the Azov battalion.
Anyhow, maybe in another thread we can discuss the U.S.'s history of backing fascists paramilitaries if it would make this most recent U.S. misadventure more understandable. Hell I posted on Obama's giving support to these organizations years ago as well as stationing troops and tanks in Poland up to the Russian border. You may not have given it any band width then. Don't no why your having trouble with it now.
I'm not sure what your even talking about anymore Jeff.
Are you saying the invasion of Ukraine has something to do with antisemitism and the 'Elders of Zion' with an assist from Qanon? Dude....
Right. Mumble mumble something Obama did, mumble mumble something Jimmy Dore did, but in the end the US is the bad guy for backing Ukraine and we should have just let Putin do as he pleases, you know, because oil and the Jews, or is it the Ukrainian nazis, and not the Jews.
Yeah Chunk, the entire free world is wrong and everyone's faking it, and Paul Ryan and John Boehner are innocent because it's those goddam Dems who ramrodded the bill through Congress with the Nazi protections all baked in...no one else in Congress had a thing to do with it, just the Dems.
And Putin's really just a peace loving guy, savvy too, and if we'd just left him alone and ignored those nasty protesters at Euromaidan, Putin never would have done a thing.
"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD deepfreezefilms.com
Dude, what’s wrong with you?** Did I say Putin’s a peace loving guy? Are we? The rest of your post just sounds unhinged.
Sorry but I have to laugh, you can't seem to find a single thing right about anything the entire free world is doing. You present your case as a fan of Putin, he's a great statesman, and then when anyone mocks that assessment you claim they're unhinged. Maybe I should have included an emoji.
If your position had any merit whatsoever, don't you think one democratic country, just one, would be on your side? Truth be told, if we dig back far enough, going back way way before Biden, Trump, Obama, we still have Putin making statements like this:
Putin allegedly declared at a NATO-Russia summit in 2008 that if Ukraine joined NATO Russia could contend to annex the Ukrainian East and Crimea.[361] At the summit, he told US President George W. Bush that "Ukraine is not even a state!" while the following year Putin referred to Ukraine as "Little Russia".
I don't hear a lot of Ukrainians agreeing, except for the Russian minority in those breakaway areas in the East.
You aren't the first person to blame Putin's moves on NATO expansion, but a contrary view states that applications from new countries willing to join NATO were driven primarily by Russian's behavior in Chechnya, Transnitria, Abkhazia, the Yanayev putsch as well as calls to restore USSR in its previous borders by prominent Russian politicians.
BALTIC STATES: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were forcibly annexed by the Soviet Union in 1940 and did not regain independence until 1991. Since then, the countries have squabbled with Moscow over Russian troop withdrawals and Russian minorities. POLAND: Warsaw has had strained relations with Moscow since the collapse of the Warsaw Pact. Eager to join NATO but aware of the shadow Russia casts, it has been difficult for Poland to balance westward leanings with eastward realities. CZECH REPUBLIC: Reforms in Czechoslovakia were put down in 1968 when Soviet tanks rolled into Prague. Since splitting from Slovakia in 1993, Czechs have had no common border with the former Soviet Union and are on the fast track to Western integration.
It would be interesting to hear any of the above states issue comments about wanting a return to the old Soviet sphere of influence and control. One would think there'd be an immense roar of approval at this point. Or maybe they decided to join the West because they prefer the values of the West.
I realize that by calling me unhinged**, you can try to make a case for why the West is wrong on everything, and paint me as a constant cheerleader who thinks everything we do or have ever done is perfect and unimpeachable. That would be convenient. I just don't want to watch my children wind up living in a fascist world where Putin is calling the shots, that's pretty much it.
I don't live or work in Ukraine so I cannot fix their nascent neo-Nazi issues, but I suspect that they are a reflection of a growing neo-Nazi movement around the world. Are Democrats funding those movements? Is Biden funding them? Did Obama fund them? Or could it be folks like Putin and his admirers in the Republican Party and their oligarch friends in ALEC?
I guess all those moves are invisible or undetectable to some people.
By the way, are there any reports of scads of Ukrainian neo-Nazis being rounded up? Where can I see them?
"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD deepfreezefilms.com
Yeah, I’m going with Mearsheimer with respect to balance of power and buffer states with NATO expansion. NATO is a military alliance who’s gone from a strictly defensive posture to an offensive one since Kosovo. Do you remember all that talk about disbanding NATO after the Soviet breakup? The big peace dividend that never materialized. That’s the problem with making a market. We didn’t have to let them into NATO. Rightly or wrongly, Russia views those expansions as a threat. Russia has a lot of nuclear warheads. Does it make sense to try and needlessly antagonize a nuclear power?
Will you have any problems having Russian troops on our Mexican border? Russian navel military navel bases in British Columbia? Have we gotten rid of the Monroe Doctrine?
Wether one loves Putin or hates him, you would hope we would be smart dealing with Russia but all I see is escalation. Escalating up to the possibility of nuclear exchange. Smarter brains than you and me have warned against NATO expansion eastward. McKennan had been brought up for one. Matlock mentions this as well. I’m taking their view. Does that make me a Putin Lover?
The Azov battalion is currently surrounded around Mariupol. Russian forces knocked out Ukraine army communications early making coordination very difficult. I believe the only route out of the encirclement was within range of forces from the north and south. Encirclement may have been completed today. Haven’t checked. There’s over a dozen battalions and will be very difficult for Russian forces to separate out who will be spared s and who won’t.
Yes, every administration I can think of has supported right wing fascist dictators, paramilitaries, juntas etc. that included Obama. I think he stopped funding Ukraines when he got wind of them, to his extremely small credit. Biden, Carter, Clinton and all the Republican administrations as well. I think there was some move on congress’s part to defund right wing death squads in Central America back in the Reagan administration. Some show trials followed that one but no one was really punished for it.
We’ve killed over a million innocent people in the Middle East, North Africa and the ongoing genocide were assisting an extremely right wing regime with in Yemen. Heck, we just left a country in devastation and absconded with their wealth.
But yes Jeff, Putin’s the real bad man. It’s wrong and unmerican to bring up our atrocities or mention how it might cause other nations to get nervous bringing up our military alliance to its borders. Might make them jumpy and angry and cause them to react. Putin bad! Got it. America good! Right…
I largely see this Ukraine invasion as a tragedy. Just one in a long line of tragedies that our government has had a hand in stretching back as far as I care to look.
Figures this ⬆⬆⬆ is all you got out of my responses, so it's clear that you read (or don't read) what I say because your mind is already made up. But if you insist on boiling it down to the cardboard subway token you already minted before I even woke up, here's my response.
Is the USA responsible for Holodomor? You seem to have skipped that.
"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD deepfreezefilms.com