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[quote]...Having failed that he now has thrown the entire world economy under the bu...f.
Of course! With Joe being the President of Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Greece, Turkey, UK, France, Belgim as well, after all.
The rest of this post will pro'lly upset you and Cnunky. Best not read further.
- Came in with Covid pandemic raging
 - Inherited economy with people and businesses struggling mightily 
- Was inaugurated a few weeks after an insurrection on the Capitol
 - Passed ARP with ZERO Republican votes
 - Withdrew from the pointless war in Afghanistan
 - Built back American alliances with Europe & NATO
 - Passed bi-partisan infrastructure bill
 - Has otherwise endured a political party more interested in undermining him than helping the country
 - Has a massive media apparatus dedicated to demonizing everything he does
 - Has a "objective media" painting him as negatively as possible
 - Has had a third of the population refuse Covid vaccination and act like babies
 - Has still overseen massive economic growth and job creation
 - Is able to now rally world in fight against Russian invasion of Ukraine