Came across this nugget recently:

“ With tripolar politics — liberals, conservatives, left — each pole converts tripolarity into a binary. Liberals think conservatives and the left are one thing, conservatives think liberals and the left are one thing, and the left thinks conservatives and liberals are one thing.”

Here’s Amy Goodman’s interview with one of our last ambassadors to the Soviet Union, Jack Matlock,
giving some historical context to the current crises and how we shoulder much of the blame:

If you care to go deeper into the history of this region, here’s a couple of offerings but they take some time to get thru.

Max Blumenthal, from the Grey Zone, with a deep interview of Alfred de Zara’s, an international legal scholar, on the roots of the current crises. It meanders a bit and de Zara goes on a bit with his resume but it is interesting and informative, IMO. He has no trouble talking about the fascist and neo-nazi elements in the Ukraine, though it’s brief:

If you just want an audio rundown, Trueanon has done a a real deep dive on it with Mark Ames from the popular ‘Radio War Nerd’ podcast. I believe he worked at ‘the Exile’ with Matt Tiabbi and Yasha Levin. A front row seat to the fun corrupt smash and grab of the Yeltsin family years. Much more history here of the Galacians, Banderstans and nazi pedigree up to the current day thats given the breakaway so much murderous grief. Brace Beldon was the Anarchist who fought in Rojova and has settled into a pretty successful podcast career doing deep dives into corruption with his co-host Liz Franek. Ames lived in Ukraine as well if I remember right.

Speaking of Yasha Levine, here’s another interview with his perspective as a Russian journalist with friends and family living in both countries. He was living and writing in LA until recently

Russian-Ukrainian Immigrant Yasha Levine On The Avoidable Crisis

Some very different people with different takes. Maidan was an American coup undertaken by ultra nationalist (aka fascists) and Nuland looks implicated. We broke our promises to not move NATO beyond reunited Germany. We’ve broken those promises.

Ok, nuff. Tough guy Biden, who’s not corrupt and his son really knows his hydrocarbons and that board seat was absolutely legit and not corrupt, has just come on to BS Americans. Sad part is, he’ll probably succeed. Propaganda works.

Last edited by chunkstyle; 03/02/22 02:25 AM.