Originally Posted by chunkstyle
Dude, what’s wrong with you?**
Did I say Putin’s a peace loving guy? Are we?
The rest of your post just sounds unhinged.

Sorry but I have to laugh, you can't seem to find a single thing right about anything the entire free world is doing.
You present your case as a fan of Putin, he's a great statesman, and then when anyone mocks that assessment you claim they're unhinged.
Maybe I should have included an emoji.

If your position had any merit whatsoever, don't you think one democratic country, just one, would be on your side?
Truth be told, if we dig back far enough, going back way way before Biden, Trump, Obama, we still have Putin making statements like this:

Putin allegedly declared at a NATO-Russia summit in 2008 that if Ukraine joined NATO Russia could contend to annex the Ukrainian East and Crimea.[361] At the summit, he told US President George W. Bush that "Ukraine is not even a state!" while the following year Putin referred to Ukraine as "Little Russia".
I don't hear a lot of Ukrainians agreeing, except for the Russian minority in those breakaway areas in the East.

You aren't the first person to blame Putin's moves on NATO expansion, but a contrary view states that applications from new countries willing to join NATO were driven primarily by Russian's behavior in Chechnya, Transnitria, Abkhazia, the Yanayev putsch as well as calls to restore USSR in its previous borders by prominent Russian politicians.

1995 LA Times:

BALTIC STATES: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were forcibly annexed by the Soviet Union in 1940 and did not regain independence until 1991. Since then, the countries have squabbled with Moscow over Russian troop withdrawals and Russian minorities.
POLAND: Warsaw has had strained relations with Moscow since the collapse of the Warsaw Pact. Eager to join NATO but aware of the shadow Russia casts, it has been difficult for Poland to balance westward leanings with eastward realities.
CZECH REPUBLIC: Reforms in Czechoslovakia were put down in 1968 when Soviet tanks rolled into Prague. Since splitting from Slovakia in 1993, Czechs have had no common border with the former Soviet Union and are on the fast track to Western integration.

It would be interesting to hear any of the above states issue comments about wanting a return to the old Soviet sphere of influence and control.
One would think there'd be an immense roar of approval at this point.
Or maybe they decided to join the West because they prefer the values of the West.

I realize that by calling me unhinged**, you can try to make a case for why the West is wrong on everything, and paint me as a constant cheerleader who thinks everything we do or have ever done is perfect and unimpeachable. That would be convenient.
I just don't want to watch my children wind up living in a fascist world where Putin is calling the shots, that's pretty much it.

I don't live or work in Ukraine so I cannot fix their nascent neo-Nazi issues, but I suspect that they are a reflection of a growing neo-Nazi movement around the world.
Are Democrats funding those movements? Is Biden funding them? Did Obama fund them?
Or could it be folks like Putin and his admirers in the Republican Party and their oligarch friends in ALEC?

I guess all those moves are invisible or undetectable to some people.

By the way, are there any reports of scads of Ukrainian neo-Nazis being rounded up?
Where can I see them?

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