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And how does that starvation of the 30’s impact the current crises?
POGROMS, starvation due to POGROMS...these so called "Russian brothers" were subjected to purely political POGROMS. They didn't starve because of The Great Depression, they starved due to rejection of outside aid, confiscation of all household foodstuffs and restriction of population movement.
It impacts your endeavor to paint the USA as the cause of Russian invasion of Ukraine, which you and the expats you admire seem to agree on. You listed a half dozen FP moves we made that you think are the reason peace-loving fascist Putin pulled the trigger on stomping Ukraine. That's what it impacts, I want to know how far you think our blame goes, that impact right there.
Ukrainians don't want to be a client state of Putin's Russia, simple as that. The Russian speaking Ukrainians in those two breakaway districts might want to be but the majority do not. And if you ask them their opinion of Putin's assertion that Ukraine was always part of Russia, they take a dim view of that, too. And by the way it may interest you that despising Putin's assertion that Ukraine is Russia, the hatred of that viewpoint is actually something shared by a wide range of Ukrainians INCLUDING (YES!) those Azov boiz...it's pretty much across the board, or spectrum.
And when I hear Putin giving the reason for his war as "we're denazifying Ukraine" I actually hear "mumble mumble The Struggle against Kurkul Influence in Collective Farms". Here's a fun fact: Areas depopulated by the Holodomor famine were resettled by Russians in the Zaporizhzhya, Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts, but not as much so in central Ukraine. Things that make you go Hmmmmmm.
One could almost say that the very ROOT events that BEGAN all the division of Ukrainian and "Russianized" Ukrainians stretch ALL the WAY BACK TO Holodomor.
But that might be inconvenient for your YouTube buddies to admit to.
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