Originally Posted by Jeffery J. Haas
Originally Posted by chunkstyle
Wait… what does your German Jewish parents, the iron curtain, NATO expansion into Poland or your fears of having a kid grow up in a fascist state have to do with Starvation in the Ukraine in the 1930’s?

Just letting you know it’s starting to feel like your taking my views personally. If your not my mistake.

Look, if you can't remember what smartass remark of yours I am replying to, maybe don't make so many smartass remarks and that way you won't have to keep track of them when I am forced to respond to them.
If you're going to whine about it sounding personal, I am obligated to explain what actually IS personal.
Putin's fascism feels personal to me.
Listening to someone whitewash his bloody reputation by saying he's an acomplished statesman is personal.

It had nothing to do with the Holodomor, it has to do with my family's experiences with fascism.
I hate fascists. It is personal, but one of your devices when someone isn't impressed with your barrage of hour long YouTube lectures is to
deflect into a game.
Is it that difficult to follow a train of thought about parents and fascism?
Yeah, I don't think so.

I’m sorry Jeff. I didn’t know realize this is about your feelings. How could anyone else have an opinion or view without having your life’s experience. Especially as it concerns everyone on the planet where nukes are concerned.

Nah really, eff your feelings. We all got skin in the game here and your drama doesn’t really do much one way or the other for the outcome. You don’t like an argument I’m making? Fine. Make a better one. Stop hiding behind your parents history to snipe at me. You got a problem with me saying Putin’s an accomplished politician? Boo hoo. Get over it. Up until invading, he was.

Cripes! Making this geopolitical situation about your feelings. Only you Jeff.

Last edited by chunkstyle; 03/03/22 07:02 AM.