Originally Posted by chunkstyle
But basically, if you don’t like my criticism of US foreign policy over the last several decades, so what? Arguments still stands. Expanding the NATO military alliance right up to Russia’s border makes no geopolitical sense. Has the potential to start something even worse than the Ukraine famine if we’re not careful. I don’t see us having been careful. Ditto with the current tense.

Your criticism of US foreign policy is actually the best thing about this thread.
I don't agree with everything you say but you're clearly well informed and you're hitting most of the notes that I remember, when going back decades.
We've done some incredibly repugnant shiite to a lot of folks who didn't have it coming to them.

Originally Posted by chunkstyle
Russia’s claims of Denazification was not the sole reason for invading but It didn’t hurt. While you hear mumble mumble it is a fact that right wing paramilitaries have been sniping and shelling those breakaways since Maidan. Azov and Right Guard among them. I could easily see neonazis seizing on grievances from the past to dehumanize an entire group.
So answer my question..

You would have no problems with Putin military and naval bases and hundreds of troops on the Canadian or Mexican borders?

That actually forces me to do something I should have done several posts back before things got tense.
Yes, I am guilty of contributing at least half of that.
But allow me to try and simplify.

If Putin wins, democracy loses.
If Putin wins AND CONTINUES his goal of a rebranded Imperial Russian Empire, democracy loses again.
If our own "Friends of Putin Party" win in November, democracy loses.
At that point we DO GET
"Putin military and naval bases and hundreds of troops on the Canadian or Mexican borders" ... we get them big time.

Want to watch democracy die? Stay tuned.
Yeah, eff my family, eff my feelings, eff everyone who has family history with fascism and eff THEIR feelings.
Get ready for a lot of "effing" on that score, because if Putin wins, we lose.
We lose democracy.

Is it worth anything to you? To anyone?

That's my entire argument, --->>>> Putin wins, bye bye democracy.

What are your plans in a post-democracy world ruled by a global cabal of fascist elites?

Last edited by Jeffery J. Haas; 03/03/22 05:31 PM.

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