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I don’t mind arguing with you Jeff. I do mind your taking it personally. Al families have pasts.
Your argument of ‘Putin wins, democracy loses’ smacks of jingoism to my ear.
--And yet in the end, IF Putin wins, democracy loses, whatever we have of it that remains. I do not know your personal definition of what democracy should look like, but I think we can both agree that having unfettered access to the vote is perhaps the most important thing we are losing right now thanks to our own lawmakers and their addiction to money and power, but in the end, we would lose ALL of it that still remains. We're at 11:30 PM on a hypothetical clock where midnight transforms us into a fully managed fake democracy where we get to vote all we like just as long as we vote "YES" on a ballot consisting of Fascist #1, Fascist #2, or Mild Fascist #3, and such voting would likely be mandatory and few would dare to vote "NO". Want to help that along? I don't and I guess if that sounds jingoistic, so be it. Talking about jingoism works both ways, you know. What we now know as The Party of Trump has spent the last decade and a half telling its faithful that "democracy is awful, horrible, terrible, two wolves and a sheep deciding what's for dinner, mob rule, free bread and circuses, the Founding Fathers HATED democracy (yet somehow accidentally leaving voting as a sacred constitutional right) and that America has never BEEN a democracy....it's a republic...yada yada yada."
The jingoistic part is where they attack democracy saying that they are fighting for the survival and preservation of the republic.
Originally Posted by chunkstyle
It also seems like maximizing the stakes. We are in a literal situation where nuclear exchange is on the table and everything seems to be pushing for s maximalist posture.
I’m extremely angry at the armchair soldiering going on with your side of the aisle. (I hate both political factions, as you know).
Yes, to the point where you will cheerfully burn all of it down without any concern for what marches into the power vacuum left behind. I am more than well aware. That's called ACCELERATIONISM.
The enthusiasm of flooding a conflict zone with lethal weapons to hurt an adversary largely of our own making. [/quote]
I already pointed out that "largely of our own making" is nonsensical.
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