History has shown the guy from Kansas is correct, not only of Republicans, Democrats as well. On average those who identify or affiliate with either major party will vote for their party’s candidates 94% of the time regardless of who those candidates are. Hence my earlier statement that most elections are decided by the mushy middle which we call independents.

On average once again, we can say around 40% of independents tend to vote Democratic and another 40% tend to vote Republican which leaves 20% or so as true or pure independents. The difference is those 40% who tend to vote for one or the other party do so on average 73% of the time vs. the 94% who identify with the major parties. These tends are classified as independents leans toward one party or the other. The 20% of true or pure independents, no one know how they’ll vote until they do.

While those who affiliate with the major parties are voting for their party’s candidates 94% of the time, here’s an example of how independents voted going back to 2000.

2000 independents voted for G.W. Bush 47-46 over Gore; independents voted for Republican congressional candidates 49-47 over Democratic congressional candidates.

2002 independents voted for Republican congressional candidates 51-45 over Democratic congressional candidates.

2004 independents voted for Kerry by a 49-48 margin over G.W. Bush. Independents voted for Republican congressional candidates by a 50-46 margin over Democratic congressional candidates.

2006 independents voted Democratic by a margin of 57-39 over Republicans.

2008 independents voted for Obama by a 52-44 margin over McCain. Independents voted 52-45 for Democratic congressional candidates.

2010 independents voted 56-37 Republican over Democratic congressional candidates.

2012 independents voted for Romney by a 51-48 margin. Independents voted 50-49 for Republican congressional candidates.

2014 independents voted 54-42 for Republican congressional candidates.

2016 Independents voted for Trump 46-42 with 12% voting third party. In congressional election independents voted Republican 51-47.

2018 Independents voted for the Democratic congressional candidates by a 54-42 margin with 4% voting third party.

2020 Independents voted for Biden 54-41 with 5% voting third party. In Congressional elections independents voted Republican 49-48.

Independents are all over the place, but rarely does either major party drop below the 40% mark in the independent vote. Interesting to note in 2006 independents voted democratic by a 57-39 margin, 4 years later they voted Republican 56-37. Those are the only two times a major party didn’t at least receive 40% of the independents vote since 2000. Interesting that independents went Democratic in 2006 by an 18-point margin only to go Republican 4 years later by 19 points. A swing of 37 points.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.