I found the oldest column of mine in the current RR listings. It was from January 2017 but had a lot of garbage in it:


January 20, 2017 | by DOUG THOMPSON - A CHB Opinion

In the four days leading up to Friday�s inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States of America, nearly 450,000 people chose to read a four-year-old story in Capitol Hill Blue about a number of Republicans who would not be attending the second inaugural of Barack Obama.

The article, written by Ken Thomas of The Associated Press, said Republicans, after losing the second straight Presidential election to Obama, weren�t in any mood to celebrate.

More than 100 Repubicans, including members of Congress, chose to attend an event in Las Vegas, called �Restore Our Future� or on vacation getaway or just �trips home� while Democrats flocked to Washington to celebrate another four years of Obama living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

�It�s a good time to lay low,� said John Feeheary, a former top Congressional aide and president of Quinn Gillespie Communications.

Someone found the article in the CHB archives and posted it on Twitter and Facebook as an answer to Republicans and Trump aides who claim Democrats who aren�t attending this year�s inauguration are somehow �unpatriotic.� [End of Clip}

A lof of posts lilke this were full of garbage characters, whmich usually suggests a change in the typeface filter that did ot work. Not sure, I will continuke digging and finding what I can and let everyone know what I find.

UBB changed a lot over the years and we had a lot of problems with MySQL and PhP with translateriongs of older posts updates. The changes could affect older archives as well. Let's hope not.


It is the role of a newspaperman to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.
-- Finley Peter Dunne