There is a hard core part of the Republican party that is dedicated to a single task. Trash the Democrats as they are evil bad people trying to destroy the United States of America. As long as they are there the current congressional mess will continue. Everybody knows this and everybody, seemingly, is dedicated to deal with and talk about this group of hard core lunes which seem to have taken over the Republican party.

With the above in mind I wonder why everybody is so obsessed with these folks. We all know who they are and what they are. I am not completely sure giving them the time of day is a real good thing to do. Its not gonna change their minds and it becomes a kindofa "preaching to the choir" sort of thing.

Its really kinda interesting. I think that when they get lambasted by the other side they behave and talk as if they have just had their back scratched a bit and they loved it. Their only real response is to almost reply to what, in other instants, might be considered an attack or name calling but not them. They actually seem to love the attention.

I wonder what would happen if they were simply ignored.