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Personally, I don't much care how we got into this mess. Every party is guilty, some more than others, Putin more than most.
All I care about is how we get out of it. Worst case scenario involves nukes.
The world press and its audience have mostly decided Zelensky is the hero and Putin is the zero.
If you see a way clear for Putin to come out on top in this little imbroglio I wish you'd enlighten me...it's a case once again of authoritarian victories turning to ashes in the mouths of the victors.
I think he will maintain power and maybe throw the PM under the bus? His poll numbers have been very good lately so (thanks to a FOX News sort of state press) most of the country is behind him. ANd they will be blaming the west and NATO for the troubles.
It'd be the BOMB if this was what drove Putin from power but I don't think it'll happen. He's too entrenched. I might be wrong. I'm often wrong so I don't get too emotionally caught up in my arguments.
In a few days, the future we are struggling to predict becomes the past and a new future needs to be plotted while we are still arguing about the past. You know what Enzo said...
Personally, I don't much care how we got into this mess. Every party is guilty, some more than others, Putin more than most.
All I care about is how we get out of it. Worst case scenario involves nukes.
The world press and its audience have mostly decided Zelensky is the hero and Putin is the zero.
If you see a way clear for Putin to come out on top in this little imbroglio I wish you'd enlighten me...it's a case once again of authoritarian victories turning to ashes in the mouths of the victors.
I think he will maintain power and maybe throw the PM under the bus? His poll numbers have been very good lately so (thanks to a FOX News sort of state press) most of the country is behind him. ANd they will be blaming the west and NATO for the troubles.
It'd be the BOMB if this was what drove Putin from power but I don't think it'll happen. He's too entrenched. I might be wrong. I'm often wrong so I don't get too emotionally caught up in my arguments.
In a few days, the future we are struggling to predict becomes the past and a new future needs to be plotted while we are still arguing about the past. You know what Enzo said...
Jeeze, so none of those ‘history doesn’t repeat but rhymes’ or ‘those who forget the past are doomed’ proverbs.
There’s also the risk that taking too close a look at who’s been doing what may cut against the propaganda narratives and all the hard work of repeating them from the rants own media kapo?
So who backs Zelensky and fills them offshore accounts?
Who backed the Maidan coup?
Answering those questions may lead to some difficult positions. Is it better to do as the kapo does and make it about feelings?
Jeeze, so none of those ‘history doesn’t repeat but rhymes’ or ‘those who forget the past are doomed’ proverbs.
Near as I can tell we're doomed to repeat past mistakes whether we remember them or not.
And again, I don't care who's backing who or who did what. I don't expect everyone to act like me or think like me. I'm only interested in outcomes and don't have time to waste on emotional outpourings about the failings of others, whether real or imagined.
I'm not the judge of the world. I just observe and try to make sense of it all. What is most important to me is that my final years here are spent in comfort, well-fed, healthy, and worry-free.
Nuclear war might impact that. A republican president probably won't.
One the other hand the thread does say ‘the long and winding road..’ so it’s really about that no? But this isn’t about emotions. I view it as the result of the same neocons with their liberal bedfellows doing the same hijinks only the stakes are much higher. I’ll repeat, these ain’t brown skinned people we can bomb with impunity.
Deescalation and negotiation is the preferred way to go but the right wingers have an enormous war hard-on to go the other way. Russiagate has been a resounding success for our imperial ambitions over Russia. I see this ending badly. Provocation and escalation is the order of the day.
Most of your posts in your thread closely echo the side that elevates Putin's side of the war, which by the way his own people aren't even aware of, except for the ten thousand or so now in prison for protesting it.
There was a story the other night about a restaurant owner in Ukraine who had to flee across the border. After a week or so he was wondering why his father, who lives in Russia, hadn't called to inquire about his welfare. So he called pops and guess what?
These family members in Russia don't believe there's a war going on at all. They flat out do not believe it.
PS: Didja all hear that even Goldman Sachs is now saying "Eeeeeeuuuuwwww, Russians, they've got cooties!" and they're pulling out. When the Great American Bubble Machine of Matt Taibbi fame says Putin's too icky, that's really saying something.
Oh yeah, Trump's former bank wants to stick with Vlad.
DEUTSCHE BANK: "We’re there to support our clients. And so, for practical purposes, that isn’t an option that’s available to us." *** Hey DB...Know what won't be available to you real soon? The American customer base and all those assets. Ever hear of the Trading With The Enemy Act? Well guess what? If or when (and it's increasingly becoming 'when') Putin decides to expand to NATO attacks, WWIII will be on and you've now taken a side. As I recall, in October 1942 the United States seized the Union Banking Corporation under the Trading with the Enemy Act and held the assets for the duration of World War II. If sticking with Putin is the hill you wish to die on, go ahead but the price you pay is seeing your US assets seized, which is something ANY free country will be forced to do when it becomes clear that the wealth you're shielding is being used to attack NATO countries, including ours.
You define yourself by your enemies. Real or imagined. When people don’t conform to your BS you take it personally.
CNN? Now there’s an infotainment corporation that’s a straight shooter. Just look at the reporting they’ve done with respect to Syria, Iraq etc..
Howd you like that NATO post celebrating woman’s day featuring a ukranian female soldier? Oops!
How bout that recent NPR interview with a Ukranian official. Seems MPR didn’t have the blur dial up high enough to not recognize the portrait hanging on the wall behind the official. Oops!
Oliver Stones ‘Ukraine on Fire’ has been scrubbed from YouTube. I always like a position that can’t take inconvenient evidence to the contrary. Makes me confident to get in the internet and holler at anyone that doesn’t agree with my BS.
If we manage to muddle thru this crises, I look forward to the future. What could possibly happen flooding far right and Nazi battalions with stingers, RPG’s and small arms. Europe’s far right problem just got a lot worse.
It’s funny how you always mention the Ukraine famine Jeff (and none of the other famines that were occurring at the time) and the bad treatment of Stalin. What other bad treatment happened in that part of Europe? How bout the OUN? Naw let’s just talk about what you think supports your opinion, all scholarly debates on your chosen subject aside. Or the fact that every country that did industrial capitalism/colonialism killed millions. We did it. England did it (boy howdy did they do it) Germany, Holland etc etc. Hell we’re still doing it. WE JUST DID IT….