There is another way to talk about Indians (feather). I had a stepmother who insisted that there were a lot of bands of Indians who looked just like White People. Her feeling was that these people may think they were Indians, and their band/tribe thinks they are Indians they are really white people!

I always thought that was kinda interesting. I can also remember a time when there were people of color passing as white people as well. So, when one takes it all in, and makes a judgement on race based on how a person looks one can only wonder. Is, for instance, a black person who looks white really black or are they white?

I should add that I literally don't give a damn when it comes to somebody's skin color. Seems to be a complete and utter waste of time to me. On the other hand, folks that are concerned about it all are dealing with some pretty tricky stuff. I may have told this but, my son (going on 60 years old) told me that I taught him to treat everybody with different skin color the same (just like anybody else). He does but, now, when he does he has had black people insisting that he treat them as whatever their skin color is. I told him to just keep treating them like everybody else and they can deal with it. I think my problem is that I haven't ever figured out what the hell everybody is so upset about. If somebody doesn't want to hurt me or mine I, literally, don't care what their skin color, religion, or the size of their nose is. Never has made any sense to me.