PS: Didja all hear that even Goldman Sachs is now saying "Eeeeeeuuuuwwww, Russians, they've got cooties!" and they're pulling out.
When the Great American Bubble Machine of Matt Taibbi fame says Putin's too icky, that's really saying something.

Oh yeah, Trump's former bank wants to stick with Vlad.

"We’re there to support our clients. And so, for practical purposes, that isn’t an option that’s available to us."
Hey DB...Know what won't be available to you real soon?
The American customer base and all those assets.
Ever hear of the Trading With The Enemy Act?
Well guess what? If or when (and it's increasingly becoming 'when') Putin decides to expand to NATO attacks, WWIII will be on and you've now taken a side.
As I recall, in October 1942 the United States seized the Union Banking Corporation under the Trading with the Enemy Act and held the assets for the duration of World War II.
If sticking with Putin is the hill you wish to die on, go ahead but the price you pay is seeing your US assets seized, which is something ANY free country will be forced to do when it becomes clear that the wealth you're shielding is being used to attack NATO countries, including ours.

Trump's former bank says it's not 'practical' for them to stop doing business with Russia

Last edited by Jeffery J. Haas; 03/11/22 04:04 AM.

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