I look forward to the future. What could possibly happen flooding far right and Nazi battalions with stingers, RPG’s and small arms. Europe’s far-right problem just got a lot worse.

Meh...The far-right already has that here. They shoot themselves in the foot more often than not. And once they take over (witness the Taliban) they fail to govern effectively because they are so wrapped up in their ideology and hatred there is no room for compromise.

This seems to be an argument that the forces for democracy must tie their hands behind their backs rather than use unseemly tactics in the war for freedom.

I don't believe Putin represents freedom or democracy. I don't believe that the US and NATO really do either. But it's not hard to pick a side

It's like an argument about our two political parties...neither one is worth a f*ck. But one's maybe a little better. Both are going to use unseemly tactics, both are corrupt, and all governments are slaves to capital.

Chunks, you seem to want geopolitics to be reasonable and fair with everyone held accountable. World don't work that way. Never has. A million dead here and there means nothing in the greater scheme of things. All those people were gonna die anyway.

But it's getting better and tyrants like Trump and Putin are simply not allowed to push the entire world around for long.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...