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Just describing the motivations of the hive mind with implications of its gravitational pull towards a sudden terminal point. We’re on the knifes edge. May not have much runway left to live that best you.
I only need for it to hold together for about ten more years. You might need a little more wiggle room.
As a state actor directly involved in the destruction of two functioning societies, her record of voting for the destruction of two others as my state Senator, one can easily make the argument that the right wing mother goddess is a war goddess serving a death drive.
That right there is the most twisted description of Madame Clinton I have ever heard bar none. Even the repubs couldn't come up with anything more inflammatory.
I think I can say, without equivocation, that had she been elected, we would find our current situation much more tenable.
You may disagree, but allow me to say, forthwith and without reservation that you, sir, are wrong.
Mediocre and boring, but stable. Hillz would have continued to weather outrage storms stemming from her hostility to technology combined with her arrogance, but on the whole I'd guess her first term 2016-2020 would have been relatively stable, but clouded by her inability to pass much of her domestic agenda thanks to the typical GOP roadblocks.
In other words, in the words of P.J. O'Rourke, she's "The Devil We Know".
"It's the second-worst thing that can happen to this country, but she's way behind in second place. She's wrong about absolutely everything, but she's wrong within normal parameters."
---and that's about as ringing an endorsement as I was ever going to give to her, but as O'Rourke correctly surmised...
"This man (Trump) just can't be president," O'Rourke said, alluding to the nuclear codes the commander-in-chief takes control of upon assuming office. "They've got this button — this briefcase. He's going to find it."
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You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete. R. Buckminster Fuller
As a state actor directly involved in the destruction of two functioning societies, her record of voting for the destruction of two others as my state Senator, one can easily make the argument that the right wing mother goddess is a war goddess serving a death drive.
That right there is the most twisted description of Madame Clinton I have ever heard bar none. Even the repubs couldn't come up with anything more inflammatory.
I think I can say, without equivocation, that had she been elected, we would find our current situation much more tenable.
You may disagree, but allow me to say, forthwith and without reservation that you, sir, are wrong.
I find it twisted to ignore her role at state in bringing about the current situation in Libya and Syria and the resulting death and destruction that ensued. Or do you consider those actions a good thing?
Her vote on Iraq and sanctions are another matter of record you could agree or disagree with. She’s a war hawk that burnished her resume by taking a ‘kick ass and take names’ position for her eventual run for the presidency, IMO.
I'm okay with her vote and she has apologized many times for it. Those were difficult times.
I'm also satisfied with her work at state. I think her "war hawk" reputation is largely a creation of her opposition. She knows power, she knows how to handle it and how to speak to it. Tough but compassionate is the way I see her.
Putin commences multiple arrests of top intelligence chiefs, claiming he's been duped by false information.
The Times @thetimes A Russian spy chief is said to have been placed under house arrest in a sign that President Putin is seeking to blame the security services for the stalled invasion of Ukraine thetimes.co.uk Kremlin arrests FSB chiefs in fallout from Ukraine invasion chaos The defenestration of several senior spies is a sign of Putin’s growing fury towards the intelligence services
Yet, somehow, I was able to table a serious geopolitical situation unfolding well in advance of it going ‘military technical’.
I don't know what that means.
Originally Posted by chunkstyle
And you’ve, once again, puffed yourself up to blow your self issued referee whistle and insult.
Sorry. I just keep wondering what the utility of what you post is. Maybe it's just venting for entertainment, but I get the feeling that you think others here are somehow lacking in something.
Originally Posted by chunkstyle
What exactly are you adding here other than what I’ve noted above?
I'm just trying to understand the point of what you post. If you aren't looking for solutions, just say so. I'm looking for things I can do that contribute to solutions.
Originally Posted by chunkstyle
And in case you’ve missed it, and it appears you have with your ‘all bitch no pitch’ it was deescalate and negotiate.
What’s yours?
I have no clue what you are talking about.
It's probably best if I don't continue to try to interact with you.
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete. R. Buckminster Fuller