The mind palaces that are being built remind me of the similar undertaking when the neocon mother goddess lost her presidential bid in 2016. The professional classes not being able to come to terms with reality, reenforced by its cynical propaganda media, went on a years long bender of conspiracy fantasies and internet posting.

With the usual military contracting bungling and neocon state department incompetence the liberal professionals have managed to build even taller and shaky palaces than deal with the reality of events.

The sad tragedy of indulging this self indulgent group is the fat tail effects both economically and geopolitically. The move away from the dollar as reserve currency, the prospects of severe food shortages (no one here recognizes Russia’s avoidance of the central agricultural regions in Ukraine) forcing Europe into either US serfdom by buying much more expensive american LNG than Russian gas or break with the US in order to have a viable manufacturing economy. Oil being priced in Chinese Yuan in future trade deals with Saudi Arabia. Current global diesel shortages as no country can replace the crude that Russia supplies, etc, etc..

From a real politic perspective, we have literally forced Russia China and India together to create the largest economic trade bloc and control of the Eurasian land mass and by extension, the world economy.

All in order to satisfy infantilized PMC liberals ego’s and neocons warped world views. What a price others must pay for their accommodation. Their eventual wipeout in the coming election will be cold comfort.

If 2016 is any guide, the mental trauma the ‘adults in the room’ will suffer when it’s clear that the reality doesn’t match the true mind palace realities they’ve created for themselves, the danger will be the blowback from their desperation. We’ve already witnessed what this class is capable of. No telling what they’ll consider doing in the future.