Yeah, well…

We’ve been done this road before. It’s a matter of historical record. Neocons think they can control the reality but that’s a pretty big assumption the rest of the world will go along. Apparently, with Biden’s neocons running state I guess we’re gunna take a bite from that sandwich again.

Someone asked a question of who can you trust in the media narratives anymore. I forget what the answer was to that question but, for me, it’s pretty simple. Go to the sources that have a track record of calling it right at the time and in the long run.

Then theirs indirect leading indicators of where this is going in other directions as well. One would be the economic impacts that are about to hit. Say what you want but I’m not looking forward to the ‘move fast and break things’ approach to this self imposed circular firing squad of sanctions that Big Joe has imposed. Guess we’re going to see what a tightly integrated global commodities market does when we start randomly pulling cords. On top of supply chain disruptions.

I’ve pulled all the routine businesses purchases forward and keeping my invoicing tight. Tooling has doubled in price as has a good deal of building materials. Now that diesel is about to go thru the roof I can only assume the dreaded shipping surcharges will be arriving shortly. A reminder of the good ol’ GFC days.

To me, that’s the upside to a material critique. Keeps ya grounded to what’s going on in the world. Western media can pitch to people ‘freedom juice’ at the pump or Mockracy’ tax all day long but material conditions matter. Most definitely in war. The chatter here now does not represent the reality I’m reading. Guess time will tell.

I’d say material conditions matter as much as perception conditions over the long run. The short run, like the lead ups to past murderous invasions, I’d give it to the perception reality.

Last edited by chunkstyle; 03/24/22 04:46 PM.