We’ve been done this road before. It’s a matter of historical record. Neocons think they can control the reality but that’s a pretty big assumption the rest of the world will go along.

Yeah, this isn't the first war that ever happened. Nor is it the first pandemic, nor the first time suppy chains got bollixed. But history doesn't hold the answers to the problems, they just make it easier to predict the outcomes.

Whether it be Biden's neo-cons, Putin's neocons, Modi's neocons or Xi's neocons they not only think they control the reality they actually DO control it.

Some call them oligarchs, some call them billionaires, they are Our Corporate Overlordsâ„¢

They are the neo-cons... they control the verticle...they control the horizontal...

Have you seen their profits lately?

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...